
Nadya Suleman, a mother of octuplets, celebrates their fifteenth birthday.

Nadya Suleman, who welcomed octuplets in 2009, became known as ‘Octomom.’ Nadya had six children before giving birth to her eight babies, the first surviving octuplets in history.

Following the birth that drew the attention of millions, Nadya, who was unemployed at the time, encountered financial difficulties and sought alternative means to support her huge family. She took on odd initiatives such as a nude picture session, a brief stint in the adult entertainment sector, celebrity boxing fights, and an attempt to patent the term “Octomom” for commercial purposes.

Many questioned her intentions and choices, but in the end, everyone recognized that she done everything she could to provide for her large family.

In 2013, Nadya opted to move away from the spotlight.

“There was definitely a catalyst — my girls, particularly my oldest daughter Amerah,” Suleman told People in 2016. “She was about 10, and she started integrating my traits and behaviors.”

She went on, “After I noticed my daughter beginning to copy me, I saw her going down the same potentially destructive route, and I realized at that point that I’d rather be homeless in my van with all 14 kids than continue down this path. It wasn’t what I wanted for my kids.”

This year, Noah, Maliyah, Isaiah, Nariyah, Jeremiah, Jonah, Josiah, and Makai celebrated their 15th birthday, and their great mom congratulated them with a throwback shot of the siblings on their first birthday.

Nadya rarely shares images of her children, but she does occasionally publish updates.

When her octuplets began eighth grade, the proud mother uploaded a photo of them with the caption, “Be proud of yourselves kids for being respectful, kind, and helpful to all your fellow classmates, instructors, and staff,” saying that her teenagers “are exceptional role models to the 6th and 7th graders.”

She used a single red heart emoji and said, “I love you,” before concluding with a “side note to critics.”

“Their older siblings objected to my posting a photo of their first day. “I respect their choice, and so should you,” she added.

Last year, Nadya marked her octuplets’ teen transition with an Instagram tribute post.

“You are all maturing into some of the most compassionate, humble, appreciative, and loving people I have ever met. Each of you has distinctive and unique features that set you apart from other children your age, especially in today’s society,” she wrote at the time.

She described her children as “selfless, altruistic, nonmaterialistic, and loving, God-fearing, followers of God.” She said, “I have never seen kids who love and want to serve others, (particularly those who are less fortunate), so boldly and confidently like each and every one of you do.”

“You are not followers of this shallow world, but of a God who created and loves you completely. I don’t know what I might have done to deserve such abundant blessings,” she continued. “I love you ❤️.”

Isn’t this a loving family?

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