
A double-board-certified neurologist believes Joe Biden may have vascular dementia.

A double board-certified neurologist has disputed many media rumors that US President Joe Biden suffers from Parkinson’s disease. However, he did mention the possibility that the President of the United States suffers from “vascular dementia.” He insisted that Biden have neurological tests and an MRI to rule out vascular dementia.

This expert believes that the president’s medical background may have contributed to the illness. He ruled out Parkinson’s illness after visiting Biden and observing the symptoms. Dr. Russell Surasky provided his professional assessment and discussed the president’s health during an interview. Recent stories have raised concerns about Biden’s “cognitive deterioration.”

Dr. Russell said he understood the president and chastised his staff for attempting to conceal an obvious sickness, implying that the issue could not be Parkinson’s. He said that the president’s personal physician had ruled out Parkinson’s disease following the most recent medical test in February.

He claimed that there were no evident indicators of Parkinson’s disease in Biden’s case. He claimed that after watching films of Joe Biden, he appeared to walk with a strong step rather than a shuffling gait, which is a critical symptom connected with the disease. Biden does not exhibit the other two symptoms of this neurological condition: unilateral resting tremor and cog wheel rigidity on one side.

Is Biden suffering from Vascular dementia? Dr. Russell invited Biden to participate in a neurological assessment, which consists of many hours of extensive medical examination covering a wide range of topics including motor function and memory recall. An MRI scan is another useful tool for detecting vascular dementia.

Biden has atrial fibrillation, an abnormal heartbeat that lowers blood flow to the brain, which raises the possibility of him developing vascular dementia. He has also experienced two cases of brain aneurysms, which cause a blood vessel in the brain to rupture and hemorrhage.

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