
A little girl who appeared to be 8 months pregnant due to a severe condition was rescued because to her father’s kidney donation.

We are overjoyed that something was possible. Bless her and her father too!

Every parent’s greatest wish is for their children to be healthy and have a happy childhood.

When Karen Rodas and Paul Bybkin welcomed their son Nathaniel into the world, their joy was short-lived because the infant barely lived for 36 hours. He was born with Polycistic Kidney Disease (PKD), which damages the kidneys and causes cysts to develop. Unfortunately, this frequently results in renal failure, which is exactly what occurred to infant Nathan.

In 2013, the couple welcomed a daughter, Maddy. Unfortunately, what these parents feared most occurred. Maddy was born with the same ailment as her late brother, and her parents were sad. The girl’s belly was so bloated that it resembled that of a nine-month pregnant lady.

This time, however, things turned out better, and Maddy was granted a second chance at life courtesy to her father, who donated one of his kidneys.

Prior to this life-saving surgery, beautiful Maddy spent the most of her life in and out of hospitals, sleeping for up to 18 hours every day.

Doctors told the family that Maddy’s chances of being a normal child rested on finding a suitable donor.

Luckily, daddy was a match!

“My nerves were a disaster as Paul and Maddy, two of my most precious souls, went under the knife,” Karen told The Mirror.

The procedure was a total success, and Maddy and Paul recovered well.

“Daddy’s kidney has rescued our little girl,” Karen explained. “Now she has limitless vitality. Her huge tummy now appears slightly rounded, and she is a happy and healthy two-year-old.”

Paul, on the other hand, says he simply did what any parent would do for his child.

“We have been on a rollercoaster, but any father would have done what I did: donate my kidney to Maddy.” “It is part of being a parent,” he told The Mirror.

“Now we are on a high and can watch Maddy develop into a happy and healthy young girl.”

She will most likely require another transplant procedure in 25 years, but in the meantime, she has many years to enjoy and live her life to the utmost.

We are overjoyed for this gorgeous family and wish them all the happiness life may offer. Share this nice story with your family and friends to wish them health and happiness.

We are overjoyed for this gorgeous family and wish them all the happiness life may offer. Share this nice story with your family and friends to wish them health and happiness.






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