
Devastated woman wants to adopt; spots girl at adoption agency who looks very similar to her late daughter.

The softly lighted living room, which had once been filled with a child’s laughing, reminded Eleanor of her great loss and incapacity to move forward. She and her husband, Joseph, lost their daughter Ava to cancer, and things have never been the same since. The anguish and pain that settled in Eleanor’s heart were incredibly difficult to conquer. Eventually, the loss had an impact on her relationship with Joseph, and the two separated.

All Eleanor wished for was to be a mother again.

Five years after Ava died, she decided to adopt a kid. Eleanor was browsing adoption websites for hours on end when she came across an image of a young girl named Charlotte. The girl’s similarity to Ava was amazing. They not only had the same hair color, but Eleanor noticed that they had similar facial features.

Eleanor immediately contacted Grace Adoption Services.

“Hi, this is Grace Adoption Services. I am Samantha. “How may I assist you today?” A friendly voice answered on the other end.

My name is Eleanor. “I’m trying to adopt, and a little girl on your website has piqued my interest,” she explained, scratching her head.

“We will schedule an appointment for you to come in and meet with us. It’s always preferable that we do things in person.”

Eleanor quickly agreed. “I am ready to take that step,” she stated. “I want to impact a child’s life.”


Eleanor nervously waited at Samantha’s office on the day of the appointment.

Samantha said, “It’s lovely to meet you in person.” “I read your application and can already tell you’d be an excellent parent.”

Eleanor was questioned about her motivations for wanting to adopt, as well as other aspects of her background. She was also asked about her spouse, and Samantha informed her that a two-parent home had a better chance of adopting a kid.

Eleanor revealed that her relationship with her ex had shattered with the loss of their daughter, but the two were still in contact and working to repair their relationship.


Eleanor then left the agency with high expectations of being able to adopt Charlotte. She was so sure that her wish to be a mother again would come true that she set up a child’s room and purchased everything Charlotte would require if she became her daughter.

Eleanor and Charlotte then met in the park. When Eleanor saw her in person, she was struck anew by the child’s similarity to the late Ava. She purchased some coloring books and markers, to which Charlotte responded with a modest “Thank you.”

The day was full with fun and laughter, and Charlotte even informed Eleanor that she would love for

her to be her mother since she didn’t want to be in foster care anymore.


Eleanor and Charlotte grew closer over the next few weeks as Charlotte visited Eleanor’s house, investigated her new bedroom, and ate with her.

Finally, Eleanor called Joseph. He greeted Ellie enthusiastically. “I have been thinking about you.”

“I’ve got some huge news to share. “Can we meet tomorrow? She told him.

The next day, Eleanor told Joseph that she wanted to adopt. “I realize how much this means to you. “It’s great to see you so alive again,” he replied. “I can’t let grief swallow me,” she explained. “We cannot let grief overtake us.”

In the following days, Joseph attended dinners with Eleanor and Charlotte and paid those visits at their home.

Charlotte was content in what she imagined would be her lifelong home. “I never had a mother like you. “I don’t want to return to foster care,” she said Eleanor. I will be, sweetheart. “I’ll be your mother forever.”


Finally, the adoption day arrived, and Eleanor brought her closest family and friends to witness the wonderful event. Joseph was also present.

Eleanor and Charlotte stood hand in hand before the court, who formalized the adoption. Eleanor’s eyes welled up with happy emotions as she gazed at Charlotte, understanding they were starting a new chapter together.

Charlotte thrived in her new setting, acting as a reminder of the love Eleanor and Joseph had once lost, as well as the bountiful love they now possessed.

Charlotte’s presence in their lives drew Eleanor and Joseph closer together, rekindling their bond.

Eleanor received an unexpected call from Samantha. Her voice sounded weird, and Eleanor’s heart skipped a beat because she knew something was wrong.

“Eleanor, Charlotte’s biological mother, has contacted me,” the adoption agency’s owner stated. “She stated that Joseph could be Charlotte’s biological father.”

“What? Could Charlotte be Ava’s half-sister? Eleanor whispered.


“We should confront Joseph about this,” Samantha said. “If he rejects it, a paternity test might be necessary.”

“Why does it matter if she handed the child up?”

“She said the affair happened quickly, but if the biological father suddenly wants to be involved, she may want to fight the adoption,” Samantha explained. “I just want to make sure nothing can disrupt Charlotte’s happiness.”

Eleanor got up the phone and approached Joseph, who was gardening outside. She told him what Samantha had told her and asked whether he had an affair with anyone. Joseph admitted to having a one-night stand with a lady he met in a support group for grieving parents that he joined following Ava’s death and their separation.

“It was a big mistake,” he confessed.

“You mean to say that you might be Charlotte’s father then if this woman gave her up for adoption?” Eleanor asked in horror.

“I left the organization soon after she informed me that she was pregnant. “But she might have given the child up for adoption,” Joseph said, nodding.

Eleanor, overwhelmed, inquired about a paternity test, to which Joseph responded without hesitation, “I will own up to this all the way.”

Eleanor spoke with Samantha regularly while they waited for the results. “In most jurisdictions, once an adoption is finalized, it is often irreversible,” her new buddy stated softly. When the results arrived, Eleanor had difficulty breathing as they opened the envelope that could change their life yet again. She read it slowly: “Joseph is not Charlotte’s father! “Thank God!”

When Eleanor learned of Charlotte’s likeness to Ava, she saw it as a miracle coincidence and a second opportunity for her family. Ava might stay with them indefinitely thanks to Charlotte.

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