Daily motivation

Tiny Girl Takes the Stage and Performs “You Raise Me Up”

At the age of 10, can you see yourself traveling to a distant country where you don’t speak the language and singing a duet with a pop star? That’s exactly what Celine Tam experienced.

She left Hong Kong with her family to perform with pop phenomenon Helene Fischer in Germany. The You Raise Me Up duet moved numerous audience members to tears and prompted them to stand up and give a standing ovation before the song even ended.

That’s exactly what Celine Tam experienced. She left Hong Kong with her family to perform with pop phenomenon Helene Fischer in Germany. The You Raise Me Up duet moved numerous audience members to tears and prompted them to stand up and give a standing ovation before the song even ended.


However, it was clear that she considered someone else to be the genuine star of the evening. Every year, Fischer said, “We’re looking for young people for this show.” “We are scanning the world for young talent. I am confident that we have hit a true home run this year. Let me introduce you to a sugar-sweet girl. She arrived in Germany at the age of ten, directly from Hong Kong. Celine Tam, please take the stage.

She was simply too cute in her black tutu and patent leather shoes; Fischer dubbed her the “sweet mouse.” Celine explained that that day was the first time she had ever felt snow, something she had never seen before.


Her name was Celine, and her younger sister, Dion, was sitting among the crowd. “Your voice has truly impressed me,” Fischer said. Even if I’m not Celine Dion, do you want to sing tonight?

It’s a well-known song that several vocalists have covered, including Celine Dion, Josh Groban, and Andrea Bocelli.

Fischer said, “It’s a beautiful song that truly gives me goosebumps, and probably more because I get to sing with this lovely young lady.”


But the audience’s jaws dropped when the 10-year-old began to sing. When she took the stage, her sweet demeanor attracted them, but what truly won them over was her tremendous voice, which belied her age. As Fischer and Celine performed in two-part harmony, several people were seen wiping away their tears, impressed by the lovely tune. The crowd erupted in frantic applause as the two singers entered the last chorus. They were eager to give a standing ovation even before the song ended.


Despite reaching the semifinals, she was unable to advance to the final owing to insufficient votes. In any case, we’ve already seen wonderful things from Celine Tam, so it’s not enough to state that!






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