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Mom is determined to convince her daughter, who has a very uncommon birthmark, that she is lovely.

This world would be wonderful as long as we welcome and treasure those who are somewhat unique in some way.

When Winry’s parents saw her for the first time, they saw a patch on her face. Doctors informed the parents that the infant had congenital melanocytic nevi (CMN), an extremely rare abnormality, when they originally thought it was a bruise.

“When they brought her to me, I initially believed it to be a bruise. My spouse and I instantly realized that it wasn’t a bruise at that point. Nicole Hall, a mother, told Good Morning America, “And like the name, I thought it looked a lot like a mole.

“I had a lucky pregnancy that was very typical! She writes on her blog, “I had morning sickness from roughly weeks 8-14, but as that subsided, I felt fine until the exhaustion kicked in the last month. No one could possibly have known that the baby would have such a birthmark on her face.

“Some of the labor’s initial thrill had subsided, and I would say anxiety now dominated my feelings. I knew it looked like a mole, but I had never seen anything like that, and I was concerned it may hurt her.

At this time, none of the nurses had mentioned it, but I didn’t know what to inquire about, so I simply cuddled and held her close.

Winry’s condition results in light brown to black patches that can appear in a variety of ways and on various parts of the body, according to a report by Dr. Harper Price of Phoenix Children’s Hospital and Dr. Heather Etchevers of Marseille Medical Genetics for the National Organization for Rare Diseases.

This birthmark raises the possibility of getting melanoma, a form of skin cancer. Nicole makes sure to cover Winry’s head with a hat whenever they are outside, even if the risk is minimal.

Her baby’s face is covered in sunscreen, and she takes all necessary safety measures.

“Our number one goal is her wellbeing. She has to be protected from the sun. I take extra care when wearing caps and such items. We’ll definitely grow up to consider our frequent dermatological visits to be our best friends, Nicole adds.

Winry’s parents do all in their power to spread the word about CMN since they are aware that their daughter will face stares as she grows up and perhaps in the future as well.

Many others are seeing birthmarks like hers for the first time, which is one of the reasons Nicole enjoys sharing. “This is a good conversation for parents with their children to see that kids have differences, or for those parents who do have a kid who looks like Winry or has any kind of birthmark to see their child represented.”

Winry is a happy and healthy young lady, and her parents are hoping that once she learns about her birthmark, she will embrace her uniqueness and accept it as a part of who she is.

She simply exudes delight. She virtually never stops laughing or screaming. She’s the happiest infant I’ve ever seen, the mother exclaimed. She speaks a much already. We haven’t spoken a lot, but she tells you straight up, and she’s already starting to get sassy, so I think we’re going to have a lot on our hands.

Nicole is reaching a large audience and raising awareness with her TikTok videos, which now include Winry, a 13-month-old baby. They have already been approached by other parents whose kids have CMN, including a Brazilian family whose boy has a birthmark that is very identical to Winry’s.

At least they are aware of their companionship.

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