
The restaurants Are not taking off the KFC signed store displays on their doors and people are outraged about it.

The situation is growing pathetic these days for the law makers they have seen much bad times than this incident but this was too much. Many mobs have been badly humiliated and some have the misconception regarding police as being corrupt and dishonest in one was or another.


Presenting men and women in their

uniforms they are more appreciated and celebrated as the restaurants in Ohio and Gallipolis that determined they would make difference. The window label is also making a drama out of it.

By determining to each member of law making that enforce that city really appreciates and respects the efforts they make on regular basis making sure every single person in community as safe.


Situation has been crazy since the time of sign board that was pinned at the KFC window. It has gone viral getting over 10000 likes and 5000 shares on social media Facebook

Uniformed police officers are served completely FREE throughout the day, and regularly, the staff of the store have been commenting on the post on Facebook.

Many of the people might be happy regarding this even though police officers and their closed ones like family that are supportive to them and porperous regarding it but there are also others who arn’t even have a rare smile about it not being happy.



The law makers stated, Whether I’m in uniform or not, as an officer, I never enter a business expecting [or] desiring anything to be free or even discounted, and I can assure you that other police share my sentiments. We dislike being given “special treatment.” This was shared because KFC is actually honouring law enforcement. To those who said that additional first responders ought to be recognised. My response? ABSOLUTELY.”

Given a complementary meal to the good police officers to keep them well during whole of a hectic day is worth it. Because they keep their lives on the front lind everyday to keep us safe and to get their output in terms of getting nothing in response.

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